Crooke O Lune Walk

Crooke O Lune Walk

May 15, 2021 Off By admin

Crooke O Lune Walk

We’ve only gone and found another lovely place to visit!

Just a short drive away from us is the little village of Caton and the River Lune which runs alongside it. We have only ever stopped off at the Co-Op until now but having visited the Centre @ Halton again recently on our way home from Morecombe, we spotted the car park which serves the Crook-o-lune walking trail.

Adam and Emily magnet fishing at Crooke o'Lune

Heading down to the waters edge with the dog, Emily tried her hand at magnet fishing with one of the really powerful magnets she got for her birthday however, aside from retreiving the 2p Rachel threw in for her, it was a bit of a dud. Looks like we’ll need to find a more heavily trafficked route to really cash in on the lost property and hidden treasure which no doubt makes its way downstream. The weather turned on us just as we were about to sit down for a picnic lunch but as you can see from the photos. It’s a lovely spot and we’ll definitely be back now we know the extent of the route.


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