Flowerpots & Tired Upcyclers

Flowerpots & Tired Upcyclers

June 1, 2021 Off By admin

Flowerpots & Tired Upcyclers

Although we’re up at the hall again for a bit of fresh air, we have a list of jobs which need doing, mostly cosmetic but a few important ones too. Before we get too engrossed in hard work though there’s time for a trip to Settle and the flowerpot festival. The local shops and some homes have created some really impressive characters with Emily’s favourite being the Postman Pat figure standing guard outside of the Post Office.

There are some students wandering around the place with clipboards who look A-Level-Age-ish so we’ve decided they are either Geography students or Duke of Edinburgh Award participants but none of us can quite figure out what they’re looking for. They eventually seem to congregate and head uphill and before long, we spot them at the top of what we quickly learn is Castleberg Rock.

Rachel isn’t great with heights and Emily would much rather have a wander with her mum so it’s down to me and Adam to explore. Having the younger legs Adam is leading the way but it only takes about 10 minutes before we’re looking out over Settle and Giggleswick in the distance, thoroughly pleased with ourselves. If you find yourself in Settle, it’s a nice walk and a lovely view (if you get the weather like we did) but if you and the gym have become strangers over lockdown (again, like me) you might want to make sure you’ve had your weetabix first, as the paths are on a 45 degrees angle all of the way to the top.

Adam at the top of Castleberg Rock in Settle

Once we’re back at the hall and sufficiently refuelled, it’s time to get some work done. Rachel has a bathroom unit to beautify and I have some plumbing to get on with in preperation for our new kitchen worktop and shower cubicle going in so even the kids are roped into this one. Once they decide between themselves which parent has the more interesting job, they both choose to help Rachel and leave me to mess about with pipes on my own (albeit surrounded by spiders), in the cellar.

Emily seems to have been hit hardest from todays exertions though as she manages to fall asleep in the car in what is arguably the least comfortable-looking position we’ve ever seen her in!

Emily The Upcycler making it look easy

She won’t thank me for sharing the photo, but only the hill-climbers have earned the heroic-looking profile pics today!


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