Hulk Smash

Hulk Smash

September 15, 2018 Off By admin

Hulk Smash

With Gary out of action, hopefully just for the time being, I’m grateful for any assistance I can get which is why I’m getting the kids all PPE’d up hoping to make full use of their more destructive tendencies and let them loose on helping remove the old mortar from the walls. Emily looks like something from a sci-fi movie with her ear defenders and face mask, whereas Adam is a bit more preoccupied with climbing up and down the scaffolding.

It’s a dusty, messy place right now and I always seem to leave coated in a fine powder with blocked nostrils, despite going through boxes and boxes of face mask filters. It’s starting to come along though and you can see the progress as the 50mm insulation and plaster boarding starts to cover the rafters. We’re still some way off but it feels like we’re moving in the right direction.

Rachel heads off to see Gary and Margaret once the kids are all tucked up in bed as we adjust to something like a routine.


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