Health Worries

Health Worries

September 10, 2018 Off By admin

Health Worries

So, this has been a bit of a weird month already but it seems Gary has been having a few more appointments with the docs than usual and they think he could have something seriously wrong. They are currently ruling out different types of cancers but the more they rule out, the more serious the remaining ones seem, so when Rachel suggests we go for a family walk, we all get wrapped up and head to their new house to do some exploring.

Rachel has started trying to figure out how she can adjust her hours at work so she can make herself more available and he’s clearly concerned but as ever, staunch and pragmatic about the next steps. He’s optimistic about his treatment options, so we’ll just have to see how things go and keep our fingers crossed for him.

As the weeks pass, Gary’s diagnosis is looking very much like Pancreatic Cancer and Rachel has been there every day, finding things to help out with. We’re all hopeful its been caught early, but any time we can spend with him now has suddenly become that much more valuable.


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