Sporty (old) Spice

Sporty (old) Spice

September 5, 2018 Off By admin

Sporty (old) Spice

We recently ‘invested’ in a family pass with a local gym near our home and, conscious our past memberships have generally been under-used or just over-sold I was a bit sceptical to be honest. Like a lot of these places, they don’t just show you the price, they have to sell it to you . This always makes me uncomfortable. It’s a gym membership not a kitchen, what on earth could you possibly sell me as an add-on which would make me suddenly think I was getting a great deal? If it’s not a magic wand or a liposuction machine, chances are it’s not going to blow me away! Anyway, after looking through the options and signing up, we all have a go at the equipment on offer. I took that super-positive-attitude and Adam to go and have a game of squash. It turns out, despite it being nearly ten years since I’ve played, I’m still terrible! Adam can easily out-pace me but as his hit isn’t that powerful yet I find myself doing a LOT more running than him as the ball lands once again within centimetres of the wall. It’s fun but maybe I’ll have a go on the treadmill before our next match!


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