Zooming With Friends

Zooming With Friends

May 18, 2020 Off By admin

Zooming With Friends

We haven’t entirely embraced this whole online quiz culture which has overtaken the country since the Covid-19 Lockdown restrictions came into force. If anything, we’ve been more concerned with making sure the kids had a way to keep in touch with their friends, sort of neglecting our own in the process but we’ve finally organised something.

It seems to be taking forever to get everyone onto Teams but after about twenty minutes of farting about, we’re all online with Dave, Ange, Gaz, Kerry and once they get the link working Paul and Belinda. Gary is the quizmaster for this one and he’s recycling one they put together for their family a few night’s ago, and it’s a cracker. As we agree who’s hosting the next one, you can feel the pressure fill the screen until Paul agrees to put one together for next week.

It’s not the same, the conversation doesn’t flow quite as naturally as meeting in person with the ‘pardons’ and glitching but it’s really nice to see them. We really need to sort out our internet connection though as we look like we’re beaming through on an 80’s satellite connection while everyone else is in 4K and lip-synced perfectly.

That’s one more thing for the list though!


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