Pointing again

Pointing again

May 20, 2019 Off By admin

Pointing again

Removing the pointing from the outdoor seating area has been a bit harder than I had imagined. The mortar came away pretty easily but over the years, it looks like layers and layers of paint have been applied which is taking a lot of scrubbing to get rid of. While I’m at it, there is a chunk of concrete and London brick which was been used to patch up the pillar which needs removing so Donald has popped down with an acro prop just to be on the safe side.

The original through’s have been put onto the small wall which are a nice finish so while we’ve got a bit of time we’ve pointed the wall bit which, after bring brushed off and a bit of a clean-up, looks really nice. It strikes me that we are doing almost everything on this job arse-about-face and are like opportunists, doing whatever jobs we can just to keep things moving on. There is so much on the to-do list that it seems a bit pointless trying to nail down a plan of action when it’s mostly just me, so if I have time, materials and the ability, that becomes the next job!

The small rear wall pointed up and brushed off but still wet

Not very scientific I know but there you go!

Knocking out brickwork is a messy business but once its out, we can at least point the inside of the new retaining wall and give the area a good clean up ready for the next full-family visit.


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