Charity Car Boot Sale

Charity Car Boot Sale

May 5, 2019 Off By admin

Charity Car Boot Sale

With Gary’s pancreatic cancer diagnosis flooring the family there was every chance it could send everyone spiralling into a kind of paralysis of grief so Rachel, her brother Rob and Margaret have been doing as much as they can to keep Gary involved and active but Rachel has had an idea on how to get the kids involved.

We’re going to help the kids hold a car-boot sale to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Rachel has put the feelers out and family and friends have given us loads of items to place on the stall ready for a trip to Burscough. We’re up around 5:30am and Adam is riding with me, loaded up with stuff. The trestle tables and banner is put up, things are laid out and it’s literally just minutes before Adam makes his first sale. Rachel and Emily arrive soon after with our Bacon butties and once Rob, Hugo, Oscar and Felix arrive we have a full team to man the stall. People who were previously a little disinterested cross over when they see the sign.

Pancreatic Cancer is one of those illnesses which people don’t really hear a lot about but is one of the most deadly and untreatable illnesses out there. It’s not one which I had come across but as the day goes on, people are coming over, sharing how they lost a relative to the disease and donating without even buying anything which, if you’ve ever haggled with someone at a car-boot sale, is pretty astonishing.

With a final tally of £297 the kids get to pass on the news to Gary, receive a thank-you letter from Pancreatic Cancer UK and even get the citizen award from their Head Teacher back at school. All in all, that’s how you do a good deed right there!


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