Home-school of hard knocks

Home-school of hard knocks

March 20, 2020 Off By admin

Home-school of hard knocks

Setting a home-schooling timetable isn’t altogether straightforward and I don’t really think I appreciated this until Lockdown. The kids school has had this dropped on them with little warning so they’re doing a mix of jobs at the minute having to provide cover for key-worker families whilst also look into making materials for kids who are home-schooling but they’re not quite there yet.

So, Rachel has bought a shed-load of age-appropriate workbooks and learning materials which, alongside the kids bedroom-libraries and the internet will hopefully be enough to keep them on track. My job is to help them out with anything they don’t understand and keep them to something like a routine.

It probably won’t be long until the school starts to dish out their own curriculum so the sooner we can help the kids power through what we have, the better prepared they’ll be to get stuck into whatever distance learning lessons they end up with.

Having done a degree through online learning a few years ago, I know first hand this isn’t going to be easy for them and not being able to just raise your hand is going to mean they have to find more answers for themselves but given how well they’ve started, I’m sure they’ll be ok.

Whether we’ll be any use as teachers is another matter entirely!


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