Stocks Reservoir

Stocks Reservoir

March 5, 2019 Off By admin

Stocks Reservoir

There are some lovely walks around the Temperance Hall area but as we’re all in need of a bit of a blowout, and some family time, we’ve got a visit to Stocks Reservoir booked in to take in a bigger walk.

The car park meters are broken so it looks like we’re starting the trip with free parking which is always a nice bonus and as there aren’t many cars here, we pick a choice spot, raised slightly, looking out over the water.

Rachel has sorted out a picnic for the walk and it feels like we’ve got more provisions than a small army in my rucksack but I’m confident we’ll power through those too. So, as we head off there is a small hide overlooking the water which we have a quick look in before doubling-back and setting off on the proper walk of Stocks-Loop over open fields and well-worn paths. It looks like it should take about an hour or so, but we’ll take our time and see how we get on.

There is a small broken down barn at the top of a track so we stop there for some lunch as some walkers pass us, clearly on more of a mission than us. Suitably recharged though, we set off again and turning left we cross a foot-bridge over the River Hodder which is a lovely feature. Rachel isn’t great with bridges so Adam steps in to give her something to hold onto while Emily takes the lead and checks out what’s around the corner.

We seem to have been walking for quite a while now and the kids are starting to get a bit tired but I can see the car park in the distance so it shouldn’t be long now.

That is, until I realise a small obstacle between us and the car park. Stocks reservoir!

I’m not sure how but it looks like I’ve underestimated the length of this walk, by a fair margin! The body of water we’ve walked around must have just been the feeder to the reservoir-proper and turning right the whole of the reservoir opens up in front of us and it becomes clear we’re a good two hours away from the carpark at least, even if we pick up the pace! The walkers who passed us probably are still only half-way done now and their haste starts to make more sense.

Daddy and Emily help each other to keep going

Adam, Emily and Rachel all need a bit of encouragement to get them going and there is more than one mention of trying to get a taxi but as we pass over the Dam and through a memorial orchard, we’re on the home-stretch. Maybe another hour and we’ll be back where we started.


We’ve pretty much lost the light now but I think our eyes have adjusted and within minutes of getting to the car, its pitch-black! What great timing!!

The kids, Rachel and the dog are all asleep in the car by the time we reach Clitheroe but I’m really proud of how they all powered through what was a fairly long walk, especially for little legs!

There are a few other walks on our list of to-do’s closer to the hall and I think we’ll probably make sure we’re a little more motivated the next time we try this one. If you fancy it though and you get the weather, it’s a lovely way to spend a day.


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