Big Lad

Big Lad

June 5, 2020 Off By admin

Big Lad

We recently had a few photos popping up in our Facebook timelines showing the kids outside of the hall and these two of Adam, one, just as we got the keys, compared to today, where he’s helping me out with some minor joinery, stuck out like a sore thumb. It’s hard to believe the lad in these two photos is the same person as building work like this usually has a start and end date a lot closer together!

Seeing him learning skills ‘on the job’, getting stuck into helping me with the heavy lifting and even taking a power-drill and mallet to a failed attempt at window-making shows just how far he’s come on. Right now, he’s built like a whippet but you can already see he’s filling out and is probably going to be way taller than me in no time, all the more reason to get the place finished before we have to adjust the door heights!

Adam helping me out with a little bit of joinery

We’ve not had a lot of time to do stuff like this lately and getting both of the kids away from technology (although it’s been vital to keeping their spirits up during lockdown) is great. I think it’ll probably be a few more years before he’s towering over his old dad but it’s a lovely excuse to spend some time together.


#temperancehall | #restoration | #renovation | #heritage | #reclamation | #localhistory | #2ndlife | #familyproject
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