Lower Bank Ground

Lower Bank Ground

June 5, 2019 Off By admin

Lower Bank Ground

Since we found out about Adams nut allergy, we’ve been super-cautious about him going places on his own or trusting other grown-ups with being confident enough to administer his epi-pen should he have a reaction, so signing him up for his first school trip is something of a milestone, not just for Adam but for us too!

He has been invited to go to Lower Bank Ground on Lake Windemere with school where they will have all sorts of adventures, caneoing, canyoning, orienteering and the like so there is a big part of us which wants him to go and another big part which is desperate to keep him safe. We’ve put a lot of trust in the school staff though, Rachel has refreshed his careplan, has emergency numbers for the teaching and site staff, has checked ingredients for planned meals and has even got a promise from one of the teachers to inform us (briefly) on how mealtimes have gone. It might be overkill but for us, it’s all part of the day-to-day checks we need to do whenever we eat out.

Mid-week a few photos start to come through from the staff and the kids are having a whale of a time. When he finally gets home it turns out he’s lost two of the disposable cameras he was allowed to take but the one’s he’s remembered to pack still cost £36 to get processed and its clear he’s no David Bailey! Some school snaps from the coach, a few of the floor, one or two of his classmates eating outside and that’s pretty much it. If it weren’t for the staff photos no one would have known he was even there but once home, he’s walking that little bit taller. Talking that little bit more confidently. Almost strutting about the place now he’s been on holiday with out his parents. He doesn’t know we’ve hardly slept the whole time he’s been gone but seeing the change in him proves we made the right choice in trusting him and the staff to stay safe.

He’s an expert on everything now though from making breakfast to walking uphill, nothing is off limits and his new-found confidence is lovely to hear.


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