The Little Princess Cut

The Little Princess Cut

July 1, 2021 Off By admin

The Little Princess Cut

Ever since Emily was a toddler she’s always had her own sense of style and after a short stint of princess dresses, she soon wanted to be doing everything her big brother Adam was doing too. Dresses and frills made way for joggers and sportswear so our little princess for quite a few years had enjoyed getting mucky, scraped knees and all, so it should probably have been a surprise that she kept her long blonde hair for as long as she had.

Time for a bit of self-reinvention though so, as another style idea comes around she’s opted for a serious haircut and, given there is plenty to be cut, she’s donating the lopped locks to the Little Princess Trust, hopefully to be used in wigs for other kids going through cancer treatment.

So, as sad as we might be to see it go, at least it’s going to a good cause.


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