Blowing a gale

Blowing a gale

March 5, 2018 Off By admin

Blowing a gale

So, as you might remember we opened up the rear window to its original dimensions as part of our planning amendment but we left the existing window in position as we weren’t ready to do anything with it yet but, having received a battering from the recent storms, the window has succumbed to old-age and been blown inward and lies in a billion pieces on the floor of Temperance Hall. Donald rings me up with the news as he spotted something odd when he passed and has had it boarded up as a temporary measure.

When I’m next up, I’m a bit confused about the chunk of roof insulation which has appeared on the floor and it looks like we’ve had an animal visitor of some kind since the roof was finished. As I climb the ladders to check the damage a pair of wings head straight for me, disappear into a tiny gap in the wall behind my head leaving me clinging to one of the beams! I’ve never been that close to an owl before and the wingspan was a massive surprise to me but it looks like it got stuck in there somehow, probably through the broken window and was waiting for a reason or opportunity to leave.

I went outside to see where it could have gone but there was no sign of it anywhere. It clearly had owls to see places to be but I haven’t seen an owl up there since, so presumably word got around not to come back? Shame really as I was thinking an owl perch or bat box might look nice somewhere.

On Rachel’s next trip up, she wants the full light-filled-room experience and so I take it down to see how it would look and I have to say, i’m getting a bit excited about this bit again.


#temperancehall | #restoration | #renovation | #heritage | #reclamation | #localhistory | #2ndlife | #familyproject
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