Ice Ice.. Maybe

Ice Ice.. Maybe

January 5, 2021 Off By admin

Ice Ice.. Maybe

Now we’ve seen the back of 2020 and we enter into another lockdown the nation is once again holding it’s breath (..literally) to see if this time around, it will be enough to bring the infection rates down. The schools are looking to re-open but we’ve taken the decision to keep our kids off for the first week, regardless of what the guidance is. Personally, we just can’t see how the relaxation on mixing households over Christmas could possibly end well and given it can be 10 days before you know if you have Covid-19, we’ll wait until that had passed before they go in. We miss our families too but we’ve been doing whatever we can to keep them safe and making use of technology wherever we can to keep in touch, so a few more days of home schooling isn’t going to make much difference in our eyes. Anyway, what it does mean is we won’t be getting much done on the hall at the moment.

We’re all itching to get up there but opt for a bit of greenery and fresh air to tide us over, this time just a short way up the road to Orrell Water Park. It’s a nice spot to just have a socially distanced bit of exercise and seeing as the ponds have frozen over, it gives Adam and Emily all the excuse they might need to look for big sticks to hit it with.

On our walk around the park, we bump into friends Gary, Kerry and their kids Max and Olivia who have had the same idea. Not that you can really ‘bump’ into someone when they’re over 2m away but it’s a really nice surprise. It’s been that long since we’ve seen them in person, we half-expect them to start buffering when they speak! Hopefully we’ll be able to see them again in real-life once the latest restrictions are lifted.


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