Proud Hubby Moment

Proud Hubby Moment

January 15, 2018 Off By admin

Proud Hubby Moment

You might have noticed by now that a lot of these posts are about me feeding my inner narcisist with Rachel and the kids taking bit-parts at almost random intervals but this one is all about the missus. Mrs Rachel Entwistle.

She knows already we think she’s caring, thoughtful, compassionate, fun and just generally brilliant but now it looks like Wigan Council are looking at helping the rest of the world understand just-how-brilliant she is too, by shortlisting her for a BeWigan staff award. I’ll let you read the official nomination below but we’re all incredibly proud of her and everything she does for not just our family and friends but loads of others both inside and outside of work. She’s a proper superhero!


Rachel Entwistle – Children & Families Category

“At work, Rachel is passionate about supporting families, encouraging them to see that they have the potential to make positive changes in their lives. Outside of work, Rachel continues her support, she has a Facebook page aimed at families with young children in Wigan, promoting community activities, sharing tips and raising funds. She volunteers at school events and recently participated in ‘tough mudder’ and a breast cancer ‘pink evening’ event. Rachel is inspiring in her enthusiasm for supporting the community and always seems to find the time to give something back”.

We think she’s great and it’s lovely others have started to see it too.

In black and white, evidence of Rachel's general loveliness.


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