Hall Checks & New Faces

Hall Checks & New Faces

February 28, 2017 Off By admin

Hall Checks & New Faces

We’ve still not quite got the funds together to get started yet and so one thing I can do is to start getting rid of the plasterboard ceiling which seems to do nothing besides retain moisture from the leaky roof. Each time we visit there seems to be more of it on the floor so taking it down in one go seems like a fairly sensible idea. That said, I don’t think I was quite prepared for just how much weight and mess could be hidden in a ceiling. My loft at home is a bit dusty but it seems the plasterboard ceiling at the hall is somehow playing host to a good two to three inches of damp rubble and random pieces of timber strewn across it and it doesn’t take long before I’m totally out of rubble sacks and the whole place looks like a bomb has gone off.

Also, with a better view of the roof and how badly damaged it really is, I find I’ve not got the bottle to start bashing away at some of the plasterboard directly beneath the worst bits for fear of dislodging the huge slates above my head and so, I’m left with half of the ceiling still in place, at least fifty bags of rubble and plasterboard to get rid of.

I’m not entirely convinced that this can be called progress but I feel better for having done it!

On a more practical note though, Donald has put me onto a local building control surveyor Russell Jackson who has agreed to provide us with a quote to cover the building regulations inspections once we’re ready to make a start.

If nothing else, this gives us something to natter about on Date Night which we spend at the Old Courts in Wigan, a building which has been sympathetically and beautifully done up by a friend of Rachel’s she knows through the kids school. They have big plans for the place and it’s nice to have somewhere local that does live music really well.

Date Night in the Bailiff Bar at the Old Courts in Wigan

Once home, we seem to get a pretty good dusting of snow but not quite enough to make anything impressive. Maybe next year kids!

Adam and Emily looking out on the slush wishing it was proper snow.


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