

August 10, 2016 Off By admin

So, the kids half-term holidays are going well. Rachel has been busy being a full-on super-mum, keeping the kids entertained, fed watered and active over the last few weeks. Alongside her friend Susanne, they have organised a girlie glamping trip with the kids leaving us men-folk behind to fend for ourselves.

This basically means I get up, eat, go to work, come home to a pretty disappointing meal in front of the tv until I get the call detailing all of the adventures I’ve missed. They have had a great time and the super-basic accommodation was more than compensated for with the great kids activities on-site which meant the kids got a great few night’s sleep and the ladies got to spend some quality time putting the world to rights over a few glasses of well-deserved wine.

We’re pretty lucky in our family and friends as we’ve been invited to Rob and Joanne’s garden party, which is becoming something of a calendar highlight. They are great hosts and are always make sure people are having a great time, especially the kids. The grownups are already dreading the ‘what’s in the box’ challenge in equal measure and the ‘chubby bunny’ challenge gives the kids the only excuse they might need to fill their faces with marshmallows. It’s a great opportunity to just sit back and watch the kids play. Working full time, doing the degree and planning for the hall I don’t really get to enjoy this very much recently so it’s lovely to see. Especially when the suns out, everyone is smiling and the beer is chilled.

We’re starting to feel spoiled now as another invitation, this time for a grown-up meal comes through from Natalie and Karl and given the food, drinks and company are always something to look forward to, we lap up ‘Mexican theme’ night under the stars, leaving only when we’re suitably stuffed, chilled and feeling thoroughly spoiled.

The garden parties at the Garbutt's are the stuff of legend. Great hosts and lovely people to boot.A photo of the fire pit at Natalie and Karl's where we enjoyed their amazing company and hospitality over Mexican food.


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See more images on our Instagram page @temperancehallglampingbarn