The Demelweek Inspection

The Demelweek Inspection

August 10, 2019 Off By admin

The Demelweek Inspection

We have just had a visit from some close friends in Wigan who haven’t seen the building yet so we were super excited to meet them at the hall. Unfortunately, we hadn’t spoken to Donald the builder that week but he’d managed to get the plasterers in from RCP Plastering on our behalf. Cue lots of talking and pointing but not a great many of the ooh’s and aah’s which we were hoping for. To say it wasn’t looking it’s best would be something of an understatement with scaffolding out, plaster splodges on the floor and the cloying scent of damp everywhere, we couldn’t have picked a worse day to show the place off.

the race to keasden beck is on

As ever though, the area it’s in came to the rescue and Keasden Beck played host to both families as we chatted on the bank whilst the kids skimmed stones into the water and checked for trolls beneath the old stone bridge. What started as a bit of a missed opportunity to get others excited about the work that’s been done turned into a lovely afternoon lying in the sun talking about their recent holiday in Morecombe.

We make a mental note to pay the beach a visit the next weekend as it isn’t far from the barn and it would be nice to get some fresh air into the kids. Result.


#temperancehall | #restoration | #renovation | #heritage | #reclamation | #localhistory | #2ndlife | #familyproject
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