Birthday Boyz

Birthday Boyz

April 10, 2021 Off By admin

Birthday Boyz

Back at home, a few days later and it’s time for me to turn into Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon and start talking about how many days away from retirement I am, that I’m too old for this shizzle etc.. The kids have made me a birthday brownie which looks delicious however, given the candles required would have posed too great a fire risk, they decided to cut it up and give me a target of candles to blow out which my ageing lungs can handle!

A few days later and Adam comes home from school to find Rachel has transformed the front room into a Gaming Zone, complete with posters, gaming theme banners, snacks, treats and most importantly a console controller-style birthday cake. He’s made up and once the world’s least co-ordinated choir churn out “Happy Birthday To You..” he (..ok, we!) makes short work of cutting up and devouring the cake.


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