Family Time

Family Time

April 15, 2019 Off By admin

Family Time

So. It’s become very clear that Gary’s illness is taking its toll on him so at the annual Easter-egg hunt which Rachel’s mum and dad host, Gary announces his retirement as event adjudicator to the Grandkids. Stood talking to them, I’m amazed at how well he’s doing, explaining it in a way which they understand but without any sombre undertones. He wants them to enjoy themselves today, not worry about him not being around or what to say around him and it sums up how much he does for his family. He’s helped us more than I could ever really have appreciated being very generous with his time, his energy, his organisation skills and occasionally his bull-headed approach to things which we might have otherwise skirted around. In the end though, the kids are here for chocolate eggs, so he sets them off. It turns out the Easter bunny has been particularly busy in their garden this year and even leaves something for the grown-ups too!


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