Pointing Party

Pointing Party

April 5, 2019 Off By admin

Pointing Party

I’ve not managed to get any of the lads up to the hall yet as we’ve all been doing other stuff but we have a window of opportunity to get them involved. The inside walls which I’ve spent months picking out are pretty much ready for pointing so with the promise of bacon butties and an end-of-graft beer Paul, Gaz and Dave are up early to help us out.

We arrive just as Donald is getting the gear ready and has already set up the scaffolding inside ready to put us all to work. Once we have a full mix ready to go on, we get jobs divvied up and are trowelling as introductions are being made. Making sure the wall is damp before you point is important or the mix might not adhere to the walls, so that’s one job. Getting a consistent mix ratio for the mortar is essential or we’ll have patchy walls so that’s another job but before we know it we’re all grafting.

Gary standing in front of the bit he's most proud of. That's not how photographs work Gaz!

Donald has been in the week before to plaster the bottom of the roof so we have a level to work down from (you point top to bottom) and after a short while we seem to have a bit of a system going. By lunchtime we’re pretty much covered and now it’s just a case of waiting for the mix to harden. So as the cool-box is broken out, we have a little wander about before sitting in the outside space we have, to take it all in.

Donald comes back from another job up the road to check if we’re ok to start brushing off but it isn’t until the end of the day when Paul reminds me I still haven’t delivered on the promised bacon butties! At which point the camping grill gets an outing and I try my best not to give everyone food poisoning.

I’m not sure if it was the bacon, the beer or the hard-work but we managed to get a snap of a snoozing Paul, away with the fairies on the way home!

Sleeping Beauty or a murdered hitch hiker in the passenger seat, it's hard to tell.


#temperancehall | #restoration | #renovation | #heritage | #reclamation | #localhistory | #2ndlife | #familyproject
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